Weight loss surgery / Bariatic Surgery

Weight loss surgery / Bariatic Surgery


If you are obese or overweight, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Even a modest amount of weight loss can help to reduce your increased health risks. The best chance of losing weight and keeping the weight off is to be committed to a change in lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and doing some regular physical activity.

Obesity is the medical term for being very overweight. If you are obese or overweight, this means that you are carrying excess body fat. Being overweight or obese is not just about how you look. Over time, it means that you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. As an adult, you can find out whether you are overweight or obese and whether your health may be at risk, by calculating your body mass index (BMI) and measuring your waist circumference.

What is the difference between being overweight and being obese?

Being overweight or obese are both terms for having more body fat than what is considered healthy. Both are used to identify people who are at risk for health problems from having too much body fat. However, the term "obese" generally means a much higher amount of body fat than "overweight." Everyone needs some body fat for energy, heat insulation, and other body functions. But having too much can lead to serious health problems. The more body fat you have, the greater your risk for diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and other problems.

How do I know if I'm overweight or obese?

The most common way is to figure out your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a quick and simple way to help identify people who are overweight or obese. It allows you to compare your weight to what is considered "normal" for an adult with the same height.  

Health Risks of Obesity

In general, there are many health risks caused by morbid obesity. Overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher; obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher. Research has shown that as weight increases to reach the levels referred to as "overweight" and "obesity," the risks for the following conditions also increases:
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cancers (endometrial, breast and colon)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Stroke
  • Liver and Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
  • Reproductive disorders (obese women have trouble having children and obese men have reduced sperm counts)
  • Blood clots in the legs and clots to the lungs
  • Varicose veins and swollen legs
  • Respiratory problems, including difficulty breathing with small amounts of exertion and walking
  • Fat accumulation in the liver and cirrhosis
  • Some forms of cancer, particularly cancer of the uterus, breast, prostate, colon and gallbladder.

Going for weight reduction medical procedure in India stirs blended responses from individuals from various parts of the world. While numerous individuals know about and are certain about getting the medical procedure in India, there would others say others are from Western nations who have numerous anxieties and inquiries in their psyche, viz; Is it safe to have a bariatric medical procedure in India? Where would it be a good idea for us to start? Who are the best bariatric specialists in India? Which is the best emergency clinic for the bariatric medical procedure in India? What's more, a lot increasingly comparable inquiries. We at Crayon Healthcare, see every one of the worries and questions that you have when you pick restorative the travel industry medical procedure far from your home and are there to enable you to settle on an educated choice. We generally endeavor to get you the best arrangement when you pick to make a trip to India for your bariatric medical procedure. We totally comprehend that Bariatric medical procedure is a groundbreaking choice and when you make tracks in an opposite direction from your home, the choice can be overpowering. Crayon Healthcare, guarantees you to be an accomplice in your voyage and make this adventure for the bariatric medical procedure in India a fruitful and significant one for you!

What is Morbid Obesity?

Morbid Obesity is a Serious Health Condition

Morbid obesity is a serious health condition that can interfere with basic physical functions such as breathing or walking. Those who are morbidly obese are at greater risk for illnesses including diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gallstones, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Morbid obesity is diagnosed by determining the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is defined by the ratio of an individual’s height to his or her weight. Normal BMI ranges from 20-25.  An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.


What is bariatric or weight loss surgery?

Bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery, is a procedure to make the stomach smaller so you feel satisfied with less food. Bariatric surgery procedures are for people who are 100 pounds or more overweight and with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater. Other criteria include not having had success with other weight loss therapies such as diet, exercise and medications. Bariatric surgery includes a number of procedures that modify the gastrointestinal tract to help you lose weight. More than 98 percent of Crayon Healthcare patients who have undergone bariatric surgery have been operated using a minimally invasive approach.

Types of bariatric surgeries

Sleeve gastrectomy:In sleeve gastrectomy, the surgeon creates a small, tube-shaped stomach by removing the greater portion of the stomach through keyhole incisions.

The resulting pouch, about the shape and size of a banana, is larger than the pouch created during Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. By removing the outer aspect of the stomach, the majority of the cells that produce the hunger hormone ghrelin are removed and patients feel less hungry. During this procedure, a small stomach pouch or sleeve is created to decrease the amount of food it can hold. This surgery does not involve the small intestine in any way. The procedure, performed under general anesthesia, takes between one and two hours, with an expected hospital stay of two to three days.

The average patient will lose 40 – 50 percent of their excess weight in the first two years after the procedure Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure. It greatly reduces the size of the stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients or bypass the intestines. After this surgery, patients feel full after eating very small amounts of food. Sleeve gastrectomy may also cause a decrease in appetite. In addition to reducing the size of the stomach, the procedure reduces the amount of the “hunger hormone,” ghrelin, produced by the stomach The duration of this effect is not clear yet, but most patients have significantly decreased hunger after the operation. The benefits of the gastric sleeve surgery

  •  A gastric sleeve surgery will dramatically reduce your calorie intake. You can eat normally but you will want much smaller portions during a meal. It can lead to dramatic weight loss in a relatively short period. In clinical studies, patients lost an average of 66% of their excess weight.
  • By weighing less, patients should also find it much easier to move around and carry out normal everyday activities.
  • As this surgery preserves the pylorus, the valve that regulates emptying of the stomach, it allows food to stay in the stomach for a while, making you feel full while the food trickles out.
  • There is no rearrangement of the bowel with a gastric sleeve surgery therefore dumping, which may occur to gastric bypass patients when their undigested stomach contents are “dumped” into their small intestine too quickly, should not a problem.
  • Also a sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t affect the absorption of food, so nutritional deficiencies are less likely to occur.
  • The part of your stomach that contains cells with an appetite prompting hormone, called ghrelin, has been removed during surgery, therefore, your hunger should be reduced in this procedure more than other weight loss surgical procedures such as gastric banding.
  • Losing weight after a gastric sleeve surgery can also improve many medical conditions you may have. Conditions that may improve are asthma, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnoea, high cholesterol, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

 Getting prepared for your sleeve gastrectomy • When preparing for any weight loss surgery you have to be able to make a lifelong commitment to major changes in your diet and lifestyle. • Always tell your bariatric nurse/surgeon what drugs, vitamins, herbs and other supplements you are taking. You may be asked to stop taking them before your surgery. • Try to start on a healthy lifestyle in the weeks leading up to your operation. This is to get you used to a change in lifestyle and may result in a greater weight loss after surgery. • Ensure that you have a ready supply of drinks, thin soups and purees for when you come out of hospital. • Make sure that you have all the medications you will need after surgery in a liquid form if necessary.  

Am I A Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Appropriate candidates for a sleeve gastrectomy generally include individuals who:

  • Are between 18 and 60 years old.
  • Have seriously tried to lose weight with no success or only short-term success.
  • Are not candidates for gastric bypass due to certain risk factors.
  • Do not have any other health problems that may be causing excess weight gain.
  • Are ready to make substantial lifestyle modifications including changing their eating habits and cutting down on alcohol consumption.
  • you have health complications such as:
    • Diabetes
    • Cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or significant heart disease
    • Debilitating joint pain
    • Sleep apnea
    • Uncontrolled GERD or acid reflux
    • Pulmonary hypertension

Getting prepared for your surgery • When preparing for any weight loss surgery you need to make a lifelong commitment to the dietary and lifestyle changes necessary for success. • Tell your surgeon about any medications you are taking or plan to take throughout recovery. Vitamins, minerals and herbs interact with medications so don't leave anything out. • You will need to follow a pre-operation diet to prepare your body for surgery. • Practice eating slowly, which includes chewing each morsel of food 15 times and putting the fork down between bites. • You shall ideally quit smoking for at least a week before and after weight loss surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications, including potentially fatal blood clots. It can also affect the healing of the incisions and increase the risk of infection. • Don’t drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your weight loss surgery. Crayon Healthcare is a leading provider of weight loss surgery in India and offers weight loss procedures performed by highly qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons who have undergone intensive specialist training in their speciality. Please get in touch with us for a life-changing procedure to make you more fit, healthy and confident than ever before. Book your slots fast because you deserve better health and an active lifestyle  

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

During this procedure, a small stomach pouch is created to decrease the amount of food it can hold. Reconfiguration of the small intestine allows food to bypass a portion of the small intestine to limit the calories your body absorbs. By taking in less food and fewer calories, your body is able to lose greater amounts of weight faster than by dieting. This procedure, performed under general anesthesia, takes between two and four hours, with an expected hospital stay of two to three days In gastric bypass surgery, most of the stomach is separated away from a small “pouch.” This pouch is about one ounce after surgery (the size of a golf ball). This is where your food will go after you swallow. The amount of food you can eat will be very small. Weight loss mostly occurs because portion sizes are limited. Also, levels of ghrelin (a “hunger” hormone) decrease, so your appetite is initially reduced. After gastric bypass surgery, the connection from your pouch to your intestines will be a fixed opening, similar to a small funnel.  You will have to avoid certain foods, such as simple sugars like honey, white sugar, or syrups because of this. Along with your stomach, the top part of your intestines will also be bypassed, meaning that food will not pass through that area.  

Possible Advantages of RYGB

  • Reduced hunger
  • Restricted portions
  • High sugar foods may cause dumping syndrome
  • High-fat foods may cause steatorrhea (a type of diarrhea)
  • Durable weight loss
  • Improvement or complete resolution of more than 40 weight-related diseases
  • The average excess weight loss after the Roux-en-Y procedure is generally higher in a compliant patient than with purely restrictive procedures.
  • One year after surgery, weight loss can average 77 percent of excess body weight.
  • Studies show that after 10 to 14 years, 50-60 percent of excess body weight loss has been maintained by some patients.
  • A 2000 study of 500 patients showed that 96 percent of certain associated health conditions studied (back pain, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression) were improved or resolved.

Possible Disadvantages

  • Ulcers from smoking or NSAID use
  • Stricture or narrowing of opening to intestines
  • Reactive hypoglycemia or low blood sugar between meals
  • Bypassing the intestines may lead to vitamin or mineral deficiency
Getting prepared for your surgery • When preparing for any weight loss surgery you need to make a lifelong commitment to the dietary and lifestyle changes necessary for success. • Tell your surgeon about any medications you are taking or plan to take throughout recovery. Vitamins, minerals and herbs interact with medications so don't leave anything out. • You will need to follow a pre-operation diet to prepare your body for surgery. • Practice eating slowly, which includes chewing each morsel of food 15 times and putting the fork down between bites. • You shall ideally quit smoking for at least a week before and after weight loss surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications, including potentially fatal blood clots. It can also affect the healing of the incisions and increase the risk of infection. • Don’t drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your weight loss surgery.

Crayon Healthcare is a leading provider of weight loss surgery in India and offers weight loss procedures performed by highly qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons who have undergone intensive specialist training in their speciality. Please get in touch with us for a life-changing procedure to make you more fit, healthy and confident than ever before. Book your slots fast because you deserve better health and an active lifestyle.

Gastric Banding Surgery

What is a gastric banding?

A gastric band is a soft and adjustable silicone band that is placed around the upper part of your stomach and closed or locked to create two chambers; a small upper stomach with a narrow opening to the lower stomach. This causes food passage restriction. On the inside of the band, is a balloon. The balloon is connected by a thin tube to an access point that sits below the skin on your abdominal wall called a port site. Through this port a clinician can make periodic adjustments to your gastric band, based on your weight loss, food cravings and other physical reactions to the surgery, by inflating or deflating the inner balloon with saline (often called a "fill ‘). As the band is inflated your upper stomach outlet becomes smaller and this helps reduce the amount of food you eat and slows the emptying of food into the lower stomach.

What is involved in a gastric banding procedure?

Adjustable gastric banding is usually performed using minimally invasive surgery. You will be given a general anaesthetic before surgery that will put you to sleep so you are unable to feel any pain during the procedure. The surgery is done using a tiny camera called a laparoscope that is placed in your stomach and allows your surgeon to see inside your stomach. Your surgeon will make one to five small surgical cuts in your abdomen through which they will place the camera and instruments needed to perform the surgery. Your surgeon will place the band around the upper part of your stomach to create a small pouch with a narrow opening into the larger, lower part of your stomach.

Is a gastric band the right option for me?

If you want a minimally invasive, reversible procedure that is an aid to help you lose weight and helps to keep weight off, then gastric banding might be an option for you. It is best to talk through all the weight loss options with your consultant bariatric surgeon and agree the best course of action for your individual needs and goals.  

Am I eligible for a gastric banding?

You will usually have gastric banding if you cannot lose a large amount of weight and maintain the weight loss long term by dieting and lifestyle changes alone; or if you have serious health problems caused by obesity. Doctors often use the body mass index (BMI) to determine your eligibility. This procedure may be recommended for you if you have a BMI of 40 or more, or if your BMI is 35 or more and you have a serious health condition that might improve with weight loss. Some of these serious health conditions are sleep apnoea, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Your bariatric surgeon will discuss the best option of weight loss with you and if you are eligible for gastric banding.

The benefits of the gastric band surgery

Gastric bands offer a more gradual weight loss than with some other weight loss surgery options. On average people lose around half of their excess body weight.¹ Your weight loss will lead to improvements in conditions related to excessive weight, including type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnoea, high blood pressure and asthma. It is also a less invasive bariatric option than either sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass. It is typically carried out using a few small incisions that usually results in shorter hospital stays, the faster recovery time of about a week, smaller scars, and is less painful than open surgical procedures². Having a gastric band fitted doesn’t interfere with absorption, so vitamin deficiencies are less likely to occur. There is also a lower risk of dumping syndrome which is often marked by abdominal cramps and nausea.

What are the risks & complications that may occur?

As with any surgical procedure, potential risks and complications can occur. Although these problems rarely happen, it’s important you are aware of them. Overall, international studies suggest that 1 in 10 people with a gastric band will need a further operation at some time in the future. Potential complications include:

• Slippage - there is always the risk that over time your stomach will move up through the band and your upper pouch will become enlarged. If this happens then the band can be re–fixed in the correct position³.

• Erosion - very slowly, and particularly if the balloon is tightly inflated, the band can work its way into or through the wall of the stomach and cease to be effective. In this case the band would be removed and replaced if possible.

• Leakage - two of the band components may come apart due to damage of the reservoir or tubing. This would need the damaged part to be replaced.

• Infection of the reservoir/port or tubing - your band may need to be re-sited or replaced if infection persists. With severe infections resistant to antibiotic treatment the band may have to be removed.

• You may suffer from Gastroesophageal reflux or GERD, when your stomach contents rise up into the oesophagus.

Getting prepared for your surgery

When preparing for any weight loss surgery you need to make a lifelong commitment to the dietary and lifestyle changes necessary for success.

• Tell your surgeon about any medications you are taking or plan to take throughout recovery. Vitamins, minerals and herbs interact with medications so don't leave anything out.

• You will need to follow a pre-operation diet to prepare your body for surgery.

• Practice eating slowly, which includes chewing each morsel of food 15 times and putting the fork down between bites.

• You shall ideally quit smoking for at least a week before and after weight loss surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications, including potentially fatal blood clots. It can also affect the healing of the incisions and increase the risk of infection.

• Don’t drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your weight loss surgery.  

After gastric banding surgery

Gastric bands need to be adjusted an average of four to six times in the first year after surgery. These fills are done to make sure the band is not too tight or too loose and/or to encourage continued weight loss. Your stomach needs to heal from surgery before the first fill so this won’t be until around six weeks after surgery. You must be mindful about what you eat, how you eat and when you eat after your band if fitted. This includes eating smaller meals, because your new stomach can hold only about a quarter-cup to a full cup of food at a time. It’s important to "listen to your band" and how you feel when you eat different foods at different times.Your surgeon or a registered dietician will support you through any problems you experience and offer tips on how to tweak your diet and eating habits. Crayon Healthcare is a leading provider of weight loss surgery in India and offers weight loss procedures performed by highly qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons who have undergone intensive specialist training in their speciality. Please contact us if you would like to discuss about weight loss procedures in detail

Am I A Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The criteria for gastric sleeve surgery are very strict. Appropriate candidates for a sleeve gastrectomy include individuals who:
  • Have a BMI of 40 or more. (This usually translates to being overweight by 45.4 kilograms or more.)
  • Have a BMI of 35 or more and suffer from one or more serious obesity-related co-morbid health concerns.
  • Are at least 18 years old.
  • Have attempted to lose weight through diet and exercise, but have been unsuccessful or have had only short-term weight loss success.
  • Are not suffering from any other health condition that may be resulting in excess weight.
  • Are prepared to make significant changes to their lifestyle, including changing their eating habits.
  • you have health complications such as:
    • Diabetes
    • Cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or significant heart disease
    • Debilitating joint pain
    • Sleep apnea
    • Uncontrolled GERD or acid reflux
    • Pulmonary hypertension

Am I the right candidate for bariatric surgery

You are the right surgery bariatric surgery if : Your BMI is 40 or more OR Your BMI is 35 to 40 AND you have a health complication such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or significant heart disease
  • Debilitating joint pain
  • Sleep apnea
  • Uncontrolled GERD or acid reflux
  • Pulmonary hypertension

If your BMI is 35 plus, your insurance provider may also provide coverage for weight loss surgery.

Who are the Best Bariatric Surgeons in India?

India is a huge country and you would find many qualified and experienced bariatric surgeons in different parts of the country. We at Crayon Healthcare understand that you wish to get operated by a very experienced and qualified surgeon with NO risks taken. Our experts have therefore laid down criteria and we only suggest those surgeons who fulfill these criteria. We thus do the homework for you and help you make an informed decision. Some of the important factors we look into when we suggest a bariatric surgeon to you include:

  • Should have done his super-specialization to perform Bariatric surgery
  • Should have at least 10 years or more years of experience
  • Should be a Board certified surgeon
  • Should be a member of International Association of Bariatric Surgery
  • Should not have a case of malpractice against him
  • Should be Fluent in English
  • Should have good Bedside Manners.

Is it Safe to have Bariatric Surgery in India?

Yes, totally. On the off chance that you complete your medical procedure by a very much qualified and experienced specialist, in a decent careful manner. The hospitals in India that we connect with, authorize, the specialists' board guaranteed and more experienced than their Western partners, and we give most extreme regard for the way that you have gone from a faraway nation and have exceptional prerequisites. We exhort that you remain in India for at least seven days after you are released from the hospital to ensure that you have mended satisfactorily before you return. Every one of these components makes the medical procedure in India a sheltered recommendation.

Which cities in India can I get my Bariatric surgery with Crayon Healthcare?

We can offer you weight loss surgery in India at all metros- Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune. You can specify your preferences and we shall arrange things accordingly.

What are the Advantages of Weight loss Surgery?
  • Weight Loss: Weight loss is immediate with greater retention.
  • Co-morbid conditions are controlled: Many life-threatening diseases like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer etc are positively controlled by up to 96% with weight loss surgery.
  • Safety: Weight loss surgeries carry much lesser risk with negligible complications as compared to other surgeries.
  • Minimally Invasive: All weight loss surgeries are done laparoscopically hence no scarring and recovery is quick.
  • Increased Life Expectancy: Studies show that morbidity and mortality rates decrease with weight loss surgery and the overall health of the person is greatly improved.
  • Better Quality of Life: Weight loss surgery improves the quality of life by improving the self-confidence and agility of the patients after surgery.

What diet do I need to follow after the surgery?

The dietician or nutritionist at the hospital will give you a detailed diet plan for several weeks after the surgery. To give you an idea this is how your diet plan would be after the bariatric surgery:

  • You would only be on a liquid diet for the first couple of days while you are at the hospital. This would include broth, water, and juice. This would continue for about a week after which you would start on a soft diet like smoothies and pureed meals.
  • A high-protein diet and multivitamin supplements are indicated for reducing muscle wasting.
  • From 2nd through 6th week, your liquid meals would get thicker. Having 4 to 5 three ounce meals a day is normal and would make you feel full. Foods appropriate for this stage include cream soups and yogurt-based smoothies.
  • Solid foods would be introduced to your diet during the 6th week or so. At that point, your bariatric diet will consist of 3 four-ounce "normal" meals per day.
  • Start slowly and figure out which foods your system can tolerate well. Raw vegetables and fibrous foods may be too much for you to handle first. So, you would need to cook and chew food thoroughly before swallowing.


If your BMI is in the obese range, your health care provider will typically review your health history in detail, perform a physical exam and recommend some tests. These exams and tests generally include:

  • Taking your health history. Your doctor may review your weight history, weight-loss efforts, exercise habits, eating patterns, what other conditions you've had, medications, stress levels, and other issues about your health. Your doctor may also review your family's health history to see if you may be predisposed to certain conditions.
  • A general physical exam. This includes also measuring your height; checking vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature; listening to your heart and lungs, and examining your abdomen.
  • Calculating your BMI. Your doctor will check your body mass index (BMI) to determine your level of obesity. This should be done at least once a year. Your BMI also helps determine your overall health risk and what treatment may be appropriate.
  • Measuring your waist circumference. Fat stored around your waist, sometimes called visceral fat or abdominal fat, may further increase your risks of diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Women with a waist measurement (circumference) of more than 35 inches (80 centimeters, or cm) and men with a waist measurement of more than 40 inches (102 cm) may have more health risks than do people with smaller waist measurements. Like the BMI measurement, your waist circumference should be checked at least once a year.
  • Checking for other health problems. If you have known health problems, your doctor will evaluate them. Your doctor will also check for other possible health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Blood tests. What tests you have depending on your health, risk factors and any current symptoms you may be having. Tests may include a cholesterol test, liver function tests, fasting glucose, a thyroid test, and others. Your doctor may also recommend certain heart tests, such as an electrocardiogram.


The objective of stoutness treatment is to reach and remain at a healthy weight. You may need to work with a group of wellbeing experts

— including a dietitian, conduct advisor or a stoutness master

— to enable you to comprehend and make changes in your eating and movement propensities. The underlying treatment objective is generally an unassuming weight reduction

— 3 to 5 percent of your all out weight. That implies that on the off chance that you weigh 200 pounds (91 kg) and are stout by BMI guidelines, you would need to lose just around 6 to 10 pounds (2.7 to 4.5 kg) for your wellbeing to start to make strides. In any case, the more weight you lose, the more noteworthy the advantages.

All get-healthy plans require changes in your dietary patterns and expanded physical action. The treatment techniques that are directly for you rely upon your dimension of corpulence, your general wellbeing and your readiness to take part in your weight reduction plan.  

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