Breast lift

Breast lift


Breast lift, also known as mastopexy - is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape of breasts. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to raise your breasts. You might choose to have a breast lift if your breasts sag or your nipples point downward or might also boost your self-image and self-confidence. A breast lift won’t significantly change the size of your breasts but sometimes, a breast lift can be done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction.


Why it’s done

As females get older, their breasts change significantly — losing elasticity and firmness of it. There can be various causes for these kinds of breast changes, including:

  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy or even after pregnancy the ligaments that support your breasts might stretch as your breasts get fuller and heavier. This stretching might contribute to sagging breasts after pregnancy — whether or not you breast-feed your baby.
  • Weight fluctuations. Changes in your weight can be a reason of your breast skin to stretch and lose elasticity.
  • Gravity Effect. Over time, gravity causes ligaments in the breasts to stretch and sag.

A breast lift can reduce sagging and raise the position of the nipples, also the darker area surrounding the nipples (areolae). The size of the areolae can also be reduced to keep them in proportion to the newly shaped breasts during the procedure. You might consider a breast lift if:

  • Breasts sagging — they’ve lost shape and volume, or they’ve gotten flatter, and longer
  • Your nipples — when your breasts are unsupported — fall below the breast creases
  • Your nipples and areolae point downward and visible
  • Your areolae may have stretched out of proportion to your breasts
  • Your one breast falls lower than the other breast

A breast lift isn’t for everyone. During pregnancy, you might delay getting a breast lift also your breasts could stretch and offset the results of the lift. Breastfeeding is also a  consideration for a breast lift. Although breastfeeding is usually possible after a breast lift — since the nipples aren’t separated from the underlying breast tissue — some women might have difficulty producing enough milk. A breast lift can be done on breasts of any size, but women with smaller sagging breasts will likely have longer lasting results. Larger breasts are heavier, which are more likely to sag again.


Depending on the patient’s condition and the hospital amenities, the cost of each type of surgery can be discussed with our team, you may connect with Crayon Healthcare Team for the same. The cost for breast lift with Crayon Healthcare starts from as low as 1500 US D

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