Scoliosis Surgery treatment cost in India - 7500 USD onwards
Stay in hospital - 5 to 7 days
Stay in India - 2 to 3 weeks
Scoliosis is a complex condition.The final plan and cost of treatment is decided only after clinical & physical evaluation depending upon the curvature of spine.
Scoliosis is an exaggerated side-to-side curvature of the spine. This condition usually affects children during growth spurts, but it can also affect adults due to the spinal degeneration that often occurs along with the natural aging process. In adults, the condition is referred to as degenerative scoliosis.
Under normal conditions, the spine should run straight from the neck down toward the buttocks. People with scoliosis have a curve in their spine, causing it to be pushed to either the right or the left. This curve can be slight or severe, and may worsen over time.
Signs and symptoms of scoliosis may include:
- Uneven shoulders or hips
- Uneven waist
- Abnormal gait, changes with walking
- Leaning to one side
- Muscle spasms
- Reduced range of motion of the spine
- Rotated or twisted spine
- Trouble breathing
- One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
- Sideways curvature in the spine while in a bathing suit
What does it feel like to have SCOLIOSIS?
The symptoms of scoliosis can vary widely. Some people are aware of the condition only because it is visually apparent, which is often the case in children. When discomfort occurs, it can range from mild to debilitating. Degenerative scoliosis symptoms may take the form of:
- Back pain that worsens when the body is upright and improves when the body is prone
- Electric shock-like sensations in one or both legs
- Numbness in one or both legs
- Muscle weakness in one or both legs
Diagnosis of Scoliosis
The diagnosis is confirmed through physical examination and and an X-ray. Measuring a curve of more than 10 degrees on a posterior-anterior X-ray confirms the diagnosis. If the curve is minor (less than 20 degrees) or the patient is done growing, typically treatment involves only observation. The orthopedic spine surgeon will usually follow the patients with radiographs periodically to ensure the curve does not worsen. If the surgeon suspects that an underlying condition, such as a spinal tumor, is causing scoliosis, they may recommend additional imaging such as a CT scan or MRI may be ordered by the doctor to confirm the diagnosis, especially if surgery is being planned.
There can be many reasons for scoliosis, which can be categorized into:
Congenital: Congenital scoliosis is the scoliosis present by birth because of by birth abnormality of at least one vertebrae and can happen at any area of the spine.
Neuromuscular: Neuromuscular scoliosis is a direct result of any neurological ailment like cerebral paralysis, strong dystrophy or spina bifida. Neuromuscular scoliosis by and large advances quickly and needs a surgery.
Idiopathic: At the point when the correct reason for scoliosis isn't referred to, it is attributed as idiopathic. It represents 80% of every single known instance of scoliosis and is normally recognized amid adolescence. Most instances of scoliosis are don't require any medical procedure. In any case, a few youngsters create deformations that keep on getting extreme as they develop, which can be debilitating. The extreme spinal bend can lessen the measure of room inside the chest making lung working troublesome.
Treatment options
Conservative Treatment
Whenever possible, nonsurgical treatments are chosen first for scoliosis. Spinal surgery will generally be a last resort . Conservative treatments commonly include medication, bracing, and physical therapy and exercise. In cases of adult and degenerative scoliosis, if osteoporosis is present, treatment of the osteoporosis may also slow the progression of your scoliosis. This can be accomplished in several ways. Your doctor may recommend medication to treat osteoporosis, and the addition of weight-bearing exercises when appropriate. In cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, the treatment chosen will vary depending upon the severity of the curve, the age of the patient, and how far along the child is in skeletal maturity. If the child's curve is minor (less than 15–20 degrees), the doctor will likely choose to monitor the curve for progression. The patient will normally have X-rays taken every four to six months during rapid growth years, and then once a year. A well-rounded rehabilitation program assists in calming pain and inflammation, improving mobility and strength, and helping with daily activities. Adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis should be encouraged to continue their normal activities, including sports. Exercise has not proven helpful for changing the curves of scoliosis. However, it can be helpful in maintaining flexibility, especially in the hamstrings and low back. Therapy sessions may be scheduled each week for four to six weeks, depending on the recommendations of your healthcare provider. The goals of physical therapy are to help:
- Improve back posture
- Foster aerobic fitness
- Maximize range of motion and strength
- Clarify ways to manage the symptoms of scoliosis
Bracing is usually considered with curves between 25 and 40 degrees, particularly if the patient is still growing and the curve is likely to get bigger. It is important that the patient wear the brace daily for the number of hours prescribed by the doctor. Scoliosis often affects more than one area of the spine. A brace can be used to support all the curved areas that need to be protected from progression.
Surgical Treatment
Surgery is generally only considered in patients who have continual pain, difficulty breathing, significant disfigurement, or a steadily worsening curve angle. After skeletal maturity occurs, curves that are less than 30 degrees tend not to progress and, therefore, do not require surgery. Curves above 100 degrees are rare, but they can be life-threatening if the spine twists the body to the point it puts pressure on the heart and lungs. If a curve is 45 degrees or more, surgery is more likely to be considered. Each case of scoliosis is somewhat different and may require a very specialized approach for optimal results. Surgery is suggested to solve the problems brought on by scoliosis--not just to straighten your spine. The goals of most surgical procedures for scoliosis include:
- Reducing the deformity (straighten your spine as much as possible)
- Stopping the progression of the deformity
- Balance the torso and pelvic areas
- Removing any pressure from your nerves and spinal cord
- Maintain the correction for long term or life term
- Protecting your nerves and spinal cord from further damage
This is done by two methods
- Spinal Fusion - fusing the vertebrae along the curve
- Supporting the spine - with rods and screws till the fusion takes place
Once the bone fuses, the spine does not bends further and the curve does not progress.
The surgery is done by two approaches:
Posterior (done through back) or Anterior (through sides) approach. Both have their own merits and demerits. The medical procedure for treatment of scoliosis in India is done under general anesthesia and can take between 4-12 hours relying upon the bend and how much spine should be corrected surgically.
You would need about a week to ten days at the hospital and another two weeks for initial recovery after scoliosis surgery in India. At Crayon Healthcare, our goal is to give the best Scoliosis surgery in India at fair moderate costs. A favored relationship with best Scoliosis surgery in India and best Scoliosis hospitals in India encourages us prompt:
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- Most affordable Scoliosis surgery cost in India