Cost of HAIR TRANSPLANT in India – 600 USD(40000 INR) onwards
No hidden cost or last-minute surprises and shocks
Stay in hospital – Daycare
Stay in India – 5 days
Inclusions in above cost:
Hair Transplant of 500 -1000 grafts
Routine pre -operative Investigations
Medicines and consumables during admission
Travel and Visa assistance
Hair transplant, also known as hair restoration, is performed to improve the appearance of baldness. In this procedure, hair is transplanted from an area of thick growth to a bald area. In a single session, 1000 to 3000 can be transplanted. Some people may need more than one session. The hairs which are moved are permanent, which means that no long-term care is necessary. Most hair transplants result in successful hair growth after the procedure. Hair transplant is the technique through which singular hair follicles are transplanted from an area with rich growth of hair to another area that has less or no hair. The site from where the hair is taken is the contributor site and where transplanted is the beneficiary site. Other than scalp hair, the method can likewise be performed to reestablish facial hair, mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes and so forth.
Medical conditions
Heredity, hypothyroidism, Vitamin B deficiency, immune system-related male pattern baldness, polycystic ovary disorder, trichotillomania, and such other medical conditions can prompt baldness.
Drugs causing hair loss Drug Overdose , chemotherapy, antidepressants, blood thinners, hypertension drugs like beta-blockers, methotrexate, lithium, nonsteroidal mitigating drugs like ibuprofen and anabolic steroids can likewise prompt hair fall.
Other causes of hair loss can be:
- Lack of protein
- Sudden excess weight loss causing vitamin or mineral deficiencies
- Pregnancy, birth control, and menopause
- Physical emotional and mental stress
- Physical trauma or severe illness
- Ageing
- Over-styling of hair and chemicals.
The symptoms of alopecia or hair loss include:
- excessive hair loss ( more than 150 hairs a day) from the scalp
- hair loss from other parts of the body, apart from your head
- thinning of hair on the head, especially scalp
- a receding hairline
- patches of broken hairs
- an M shaped pattern in front of your head, just above your forehead, leaving the crown of the head exposed
- clumps of hair on your pillow
- complete loss of all hair from the head
- complete loss of all hair on the entire body
- excessive hair loss while shampooing
Your specialist will ask you your restorative history, your family's medicinal history, and particularly about hair loss in the family. By looking at your symptoms, and inspecting a couple of your hairs under a magnifying lens the specialist will almost certainly analyze in the event that it is an instance of alopecia areata. He may likewise perform a scalp biopsy to confirm outcomes of different diseases like hair fungi. Your specialist may likewise recommend a blood test to determine if the cause of hair loss is an immune system sickness or hormonal imbalance.
Treatment options
- Male baldness can be treated by the seriousness of the condition. Generally impermanent conditions can be managed home cures, nutrient and mineral enhancements, drugs, for example, minoxidil and finasteride. Severe condition leading to baldness can be treated with hair replacement procedures like:
A hair transplant is an outpatient procedure. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor region and transplanted to the bald area. Transplant can be performed by the quantity of hair shape and size, for example, punch, little joins (2 - 4 hairs), Micro-unites (1 - 2 hairs), round and square units (up-to 20 hairs), Strip joins (up-to 40 hairs, etc)
- Scalp decrease is finished by chiseling the bare zone and extending the zone with hair over it. Anyway, this technique is advantageous for best and back zones of the head and not the front.
- Punch Harvesting is where units that are punched are then lifted with forceps and migrated to donor site and sutured or stapled
- The extraction method is when the joint is extracted and transplanted as a strip to the bald site. On the off chance that numerous strips are extracted, it is called strip collecting.
The hair usually begins to develop progressively around three months from the procedure depending upon the thickness and qualities of your hair, which may take anywhere between 6 months to a year and a half.
At Crayon Healthcare, we perceive the brilliant wellbeing and prosperity of our visitors and subsequently, our goal is to give the best Hair transplant in India at fair moderate costs. A favored relationship with best Hair transplantation in India and best Hair transplantation clinics in India encourages us promptly:
- Best Hair transplantation in India
- Most affordable Hair transplant in India
With Crayon Healthcare best hair transplant in India begins from 40000 INR(600 USD) depending upon desired results and area covered.